Thursday, September 26, 2019

How I Write - Part 1

A friend asked me where I get my ideas for my books. Lately, I've been getting them from the photos I buy for the covers. For example, when I began writing my latest release, The Manipulation of Ruby, I saw in the cover model's eyes a look of sexual experience and an expectation of control. From the outset, I knew Ruby was an experienced hotwife who was used to getting what she wanted sexually. Giving up control was Ruby's journey.

For my newest manuscript, The Manipulation of Diane, I saw in the face of the cover model exactly the opposite - innocence and inexperience. I am writing Diane as someone who never dreamed of being a hotwife. In fact, she doesn't even know the word. Discovering and embracing the world of hotwifing is Diane's journey. And seven chapters in, I still have no idea where her journey will take her and how her story will end.

That's my starting point - who is the main character and who is she going to change during the course of the book?

More later...

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